Lemon Garlic Parmesan Pasta Bake and Green Goddess Salad

    Hi everyone and welcome back! Happy November! Now since it is November and its almost Thanksgiving, I thought that we could make the most delicious pasta dish, perfect for Thanksgiving and the pasta dish is Lemon garlic parmesan pasta bake. This dish is great. It is super creamy and cheesy! It is perfect for Thanksgiving and the lemon juice, and the parsley work well together! I like to serve this dish with garlic bread and the taste of this dish is light but heavy at the same time.  And because it is the season of giving, I thought today I would give you 2 different recipes in this post! So, the other recipe that we will be making is a green goddess salad. This salad is light, and it is perfect to balance out all those dense foods at Thanksgiving. 


What you will need: Lemon parmesan pasta bake

-       16 oz pasta uncooked (some suggestions fusilli, bucati, or corti) 

-       3 cups of chicken broth

-       ½ cup of white wine either chardonnay or sauvignon Blanc 

-       4 cloves of garlic, minced

-       ½ of a lemon juice 

-       Zest from a full lemon 

-       1 tsp black pepper

-       ½ cup of heavy cream 

-       ¾ cup of shredded parmesan cheese

-       ¾ cup of grated parmesan cheese 

-       ½ cup of Italian parsley, chopped 

How to make: 

1.     Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. 

2.     In a large baking dish add your uncooked pasta, garlic, broth, wine, lemon juice, zest, and pepper. Once that is all in your dish give it a stir and makes sure your pasta is covered with the liquid. Then cover the baking dish with tinfoil and place in the oven for 45-50 minutes or until the pasta is cooked.

(“An *upgraded* TikTok pasta Lemon Garlic Parmesan Pasta Bake • • • : @thefooddolls #food #foodapp #foodporn #foodie #foodstagram #hungry... | By Pepper the App | Hey, Alia. What do you think we should make today? Dude, we should make a lemon ...”)

3.     After it is done cooking you want to take it out of the oven and take the tinfoil off the top of the dish. Be careful when doing this because it is hot, and a lot of hot air is escaping from underneath the tinfoil. 

4.     Once the tinfoil is off this is when you start adding in your heavy cream, shredded parmesan, grated parmesan, Italian parsley, and your other half of the lemon juice. Stir until it is combined and enjoy! 

“Parmesan Lemon Garlic Pasta.” Food Dolls, 1 July 2021, https://www.fooddolls.com/lemon-garlic-parmesan-pasta/.


What you will need: Green Goddess salad

-       1 small green cabbage

-       1 large cucumber 

-       1 bundle green onions 

-       ¼ cup chives 


-       1 cup basil

-       1 cup spinach

-       1 small shallot 

-       3 cloves of garlic

-       1/3 cup of nutritional yeast

-       ¼ cup cashews

-       Juice of 2 lemons 

-       2 tbsp of rice vinegar 

-       Pinch of salt

“.” . - YouTube, 2 October 2022, https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgetonmyplate.com%2Ftik-tok-green-goddess-salad%2F&psig=AOvVaw2Wo6TxAivqpahQd7p4hFmy&ust=1699740517016000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCMCu0P-4uoIDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE.

How to make: 

-       First you are going to chop up the green cabbage, cucumber, green onions, and chives into bite sized pieces. 

-       Once that is done set it aside and start making your dressing. For the dressing you want to chop up the basil, spinach, shallot, garlic, and cashews. 

-       Once that is done you want to add your basil, spinach, shallot, garlic, nutritional yeast, cashews, lemon juice, rice vinegar and salt into a blender. You want to blend this until it is a smooth consistency.

-       Then you are going to put the salad portion that you chopped up ealier into a bowl and pour your dressing all over it. Once you do that mix the salad until everything has combined. Once combined serve with either corn chips or blue corn chips or by its self. Enjoy! 

“Tiktok Green Goddess Salad · i am a food blog.” i am a food blog, 24 January 2023, https://iamafoodblog.com/tiktok-green-goddess-salad/.


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